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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stunning proposal out of Jeff City today

This afternoon, on Missouri Representative Jolie Justice's Facebook page, she reported that "Senate debating gun bill. Would force businesses to allow concealed weapons in parking lots. Changes conceal-n-carry from 23 to 21-yr-olds."


I was stunned.

Read that again.

The Senate was actually debating a gun bill that would require businesses to allow concealed weapons in parking lots.


It's just as Dr. Bob Minor wrote in the comments: "Let's just get rid of all the gun laws so we can shoot anywhere, anytime, anyone just for the heck of it. I say we change the state name to the OK Coral."

That seems to be what they're going for here.

While the right-wingers, gun-nuts and NRA scream that we're trying to ultimately take away all the guns in the entire country when we even hint at curbing virtually any facet of gun laws, here, this time, they're going for a rather wild and unexpected opening of more access to guns.

Whatever happened to conservative government from these people, anyway?

What is conservative about forcing "businesses to allow concealed weapons in parking lots"?

What about that "less government", "less interference", type government idea? But here they go, pushing more government, when it's for more guns--or whatever it is they want at that moment.

The thing is, the bill died, sure, but it's just, to repeat, stunning that it even came up.

The answer, for these people, to the problem of too many guns is--wait for it--more guns!

All I can say is 1) I hope this idea is permanently dead (but I fear it won't be) and 2) I hope these people don't come up with another wacky, insane, "out of left field" idea for spreading more guns as the solution to our problems.

May the stars help us.

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