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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reporting, anyone?

The Kansas City Star won't do an article on the current commercial real estate situation, bad as it is, but they write one on people buying cars without side airbags.

There are residential condominium complexes all over town, largely empty. Complexes standing built but almost completely empty.

There there's the 1/2 finished "West Edge Project" on the Plaza complete with 2 cranes standing above it but otherwise empty.

There are, as I said, projects and facilties all over town half or more empty.

You think the Star would cover it?

Not a chance.


Link to story:


Hyperblogal said...

I talked to a STAR reporter a while back about an unrelated story. This reporter said, essentially, that why write a story when there is no room to run it? The STAR is governed by the McClatchy bottom line not by the need to provide information.

Mo Rage said...

Just as I thought.

I swear I thought newspapers used to run stories based on that need to provide information. The real estate one would be an intelligent, vital, informative one. Instead, they write on crap like this, side airbags. Really sad. They are writing down to their audience, instead of up to us. How is that a formula for success? I contend it's not. Oh, well.