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Monday, February 8, 2010

Republicans and Conservatives really don't want this President to succeed

You have to understand, Republicans and Conservatives really don't want this President, Obama, to succeed.

In fact, his being successful scares the daylights out of them--and for several big reasons.

First, we're experiencing the biggest financial recession and difficulties in the last 80 years, since the Great Depression.

The last time we had a really ugly downturn in the economy like the one we're facing now--the Great Depression--a Democrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt--came along with solutions and spending and lots of government in the form of programs and because of it he's credited by most all historians and Americans with having saved the Republic.

That's bad enough for the Republicans.

But then you know what happened?

For the next 40 years, approximately, the Democrats were in power in Washington and across the land.

And that scares the hell out of all those Republicans and Conservatives out there.

The last thing they want this President, President Obama, to be is successful.

So they bring it all out--they call him "Socialist" and "Liberal" and "tax and spend" and every ugly, true and untrue thing they can think of, to rail against him and his plans.

When you put their fragmentation, at minimum, and lack of leadership in their Party, in addition, to this mess and situation they're in, they're scared as hell he may be successful.

So fight this President?

You bet they do.

You bet they will.

Be the "Party of 'no'"? Oh, yeah.

It's all they've got.

They're desperate.

The trouble is, so is the US. So is our country. So are most of us out here in America.

But the Republicans would rather have the country fail on this President's watch--and then blame it on him--than have the US succeed.

And if that doesn't scare you, no matter who you are or what your politics, then you aren't thinking out the entire situation and what it could possibly mean for this country, as a whole and all of us, individually.


Ann T. said...

Dear MR,
I will tell you, the extremists on all sides scare me to death.

Small business and the working poor need national health care in order to get back on their feet.

The recession is a direct result of over-borrowing to go to Iraq. That was a conservatives decision, not a liberal's one. I could go on forever about how that has screwed up our energy market.

Mostly what scares me is the complete and total amnesia. i would not have voted for Obama, I wanted a different candidate. But compared to the alternative? Give me a freaking break.

Ann T.

JOCOeveryman said...

Yo PLOW....thanks for commenting on my blog. I welcome your comments anytime.

Of course it isn't universally accepted that FDR saved the republic. You claim it like it is. In fact....this link to a study at UCLA indicates that his policies EXTENDED the depression.

This was written in 2004.....almost like it could have been written last week.

Yes, I want the President to succeed but that will require him to change his thinking toward less government control. I hope he does. He has some good ideas and many bad ones.

It is pure rhetoric to say Republicans just say no....they offer alternatives and the other side doesn't listen.

Mo Rage said...

welcome, JOCO.

First, I didn't claim that FDR saved the Republic. To repeat, I said most historians and Americans feel/believe/think he did. Further, that absolutely does not make it fact and I don't claim otherwise.

Second, I'm glad you want this President to succeed.

Finally, the Repubs have voted no or come out against everything this President has come out for with the possible exception of Olympia Snowe and even she wasn't a shoo-in. Saying the Republicans vote no on everything this President is for is not merely rhetoric by any stretch. They came out with a "plan" for health care that was weak, at best, and was proven to have ended up costing the country even more than the plan being considered. It was a plan in name only.

thanks for the comments.


Mo Rage said...

Oh, and not only has the "other side"--the Democrats--listened, they have adopted some Republican requests on this health care plan--to our peril--and this President went, listened to them, answered their questions and more just in the last 2 weeks.

We've listened and, unfortunately, we've even adopted some Republican requests, as I said. We're trying to meet halfway and the Repubs aren't.

They're too "in the pocket" of corporations and lobbyists.

Even more so than the Dems.
