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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Potential big trouble for Democrats, in threes

First it was Charlie Rangel coming up for ethics charges and that looked problematic enough for him and, of course, for the Democrats. Hey, at least we're doing something about our dirty laundry. He's not likely to get away with this. The bad thing here is not only that he looks pretty dirty, though we're not assuming guilt here yet, but any trial would happen this Fall, just before elections. That's some bad timing, for sure. Then, another shoe droppped this week. California Representative Waters has been accused of some shenanigans that are going to be looked into. More possible ethics violations. And guess when that trial is to come about? You guessed it--this Autumn. All bad stuff for the Democrats. The final "capper" on this, to me, is unrelated to ethics but tells of "The Obama administration, unable to push an immigration overhaul through Congress, is considering ways it could go around lawmakers to let undocumented immigrants stay in the United States, according to an agency memo." I tell you what, if this President does this, and either pushes through--or tries to--ways for undocumented immigrants to stay in this country and going around Congress, I predict holy heck will be raised and will erupt in this country, coast to coast. The Republicans, the Tea Party members and everyone from Florida to Southern California--and a whole lot of others, added in, will go virtually nuclear. If I were advising the President, I'd have to tell him this may be the right thing to do even, but it's wrong for any cohesion, for sure. Have a great weekend, y'all. Link to original stories:;;

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