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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The next thing corporations are going to try to brain wash us out of

I saw a huge, full-page ad in The New York Times today on why we should be against a "gainful employment" proposal in the Department of Education so I knew something was up and I had to do some homework. This is what I found out: The "gainful employment" proposal would have cut federal aid to schools whose graduates spend more than 8 percent of their starting salaries to repay student loans, based on a 10-year repayment plan. You see, businesses have been fleecing students and schools on student loans--charging too much in interest rates--and President Obama's adminstration, through the Department of Education, was going to try to put an end to it but, as you can see, corporate America doesn't want to end this cash cow so here comes the PR to fight it. If they're successful, folks, and if we don't pay attention, they'll win this fight, too, and we'll be further screwed.

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