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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quote of the day--on Labor Day, 2010

"I look forward to a Labor Day where every worker has a job, every worker has a pension, every worker has paid vacations, and every worker has the health care to enjoy life. Our Republican opponents call that France. I call it America, an America that is Number One. Not #1 in wasted military expenditures. Not #1 in number of foreign countries occupied. Number One in jobs. Number One in health. Number One in education. Number One in happiness. As Robert Kennedy famously said, "I dream of things that never were, and ask 'why not?'" Why not? Let's make it happen. And then all of us who are Americans, including the ones today who are jobless, homeless, sick and suffering, we all can then say, 'I am proud to be an American.'" --Michael Moore Link to original post:

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