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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Hour Energy? Really?

This is what we do to ourselves.  This is one of the latest crazes.

"5 Hour Energy".

You've seen the product.

Now they've come out with television advertising, showing how we should wake in the morning, drink our "5 Hour Energy", then get out and go to the gym for our workouts and, it's implied, "be better people" because of it.

It's not enough we used coffee, first, and then Coca-Cola to get going in the past.   Now we're supposed to buy little bottles of straight chemicals in order to fulfill our roles in society.

This couldn't be much more stupid.

I've thought about this ever since I saw that first TV ad, making this suggestion.

Yesterday, I saw the following information online and it reiterated this for me.  I got it from a column on Yahoo! News and Mens Health Magazine on the "7 Worst Supermarket Ripoffs":

5-Hour Energy
There’s a lot of hype in this bottle, but the only ingredient that provides any significant energy is caffeine, of which there are 135 grams in each bottle. That’s less than you’d find in a14-ounce cup of coffee (Dunkin’ Donuts 14-ounce medium has 164 grams of caffeine). Cost for a cup of coffee: A buck or two. Cost for 5-Hour Energy: Between $3 and $4.

I mean, come on, people, let's not be stupid.  Let's not let companies exploit us THIS much.

Sheesh.  (head banging against wall).

And someone is no doubt making a fortune on this somewhere.


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