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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Congratulations to Bishop Finn and the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese

Yes, many congratulations! Bishop Finn's getting charged with crimes for not obeying Missouri law is the number 3 big religion news story of 2011, according to leading religion journalists. The Religion Newswriters Association (RNA) poll their members each year and this is what they came up with: "3. Catholic Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City, Mo., is charged with failure to report the suspected abuse of a child, becoming the first active bishop in the country to face criminal prosecution in such a case." I'd like to take a moment here to congratulate Bishop Finn, the local Diocese and the entire Catholic Church for this award. Without your repeatedly allowing children to be exploited, whether with pictures or sexually, you wouldn't have gotten this notoreity. Now, for 2012, here's hoping Bishop Finn's being found guilty and sent to jail (prison) will be the number one story of the upcoming year. That way, maybe, just maybe, one day this abuse will one day soon cease. Here's hoping. Links:;


Unknown said...

Bishop Finn is number 3, and Bin Laden is number 1, but they will be together in the afterlife.

Mo Rage said...

Anyone who believes in hell should surely agree with you, I'd think.