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Friday, December 2, 2011

It's 1968 all over again

I found a blog recently, by accident, railing about how bad and stupid and mistaken and apparently just wrong the "Occupy" movement is and my first thought was "it's 1968 all over again." Back then, I was a teenager and I had come to the conclusion that the Vietnam War was wrong. Monumentally wrong. And I said so. Other friends at the time thought it important to go along with the official line of the administration. Then there were the Conservatives, Republicans and Right Wing of the country that was also for fighting and supporting that war. Later, when Robert McNamara, then-President Nixon's Secretary of Defense told us the truth, that it was all a lie and he cried on TV about it, well, it was too late but at least we were all vindicated, those of us who were against the war. Now, it's the same thing all over again. The students and young people are out in the streets, protesting. They're protesting Wall Street's ripoff of us, the American people. They're protesting the stranglehold corporations have on the country. And there are the same, mostly older, Conservative, Republican and Right-wing folks, thinking the kids are just hippies and druggies and unemployed low-lifes, looking for "Uncle Sugar" to give them something. Well, as I said, they were mistaken then and they sure as hell are mistaken now. And it just makes me mad. It's very disheartening, at least.

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