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Friday, July 20, 2012

America, don't tell me you give a damn about senseless shootings

Every Columbine and every Tuscon, Arizona and every Aurora, Colorado makes it that much easier to point out the ignorance of America's gun laws and the deaths from our far-too-many guns.

Does it change anything or will it?

Heck no, unfortunately. Americans will continue to do nothing or--worse--they will fight to keep our semi-automatic and automatic weapons.

We're just not that bright.

So please, don't pretend America gives a damn about the 12 people killed yesterday and the 59 shot and wounded or the crippling and near-killing of Representative Gabby Gifford and the six killed and 13 wounded then and there in Tuscon last year or the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007 that killed 32 people and wounded 17 others or, finally--at least here, now, today--the Columbine shooting, in which 13 people were killed and 21 were injured.

America, Americans, don't pretend you give a damn--not one bit--about the people who were killed this week in Aurora, Colorado. You feign concern and/or sympathy like someone who posts "I'm so sorry" on Facebook.

It's a an empty gesture.

A very empty gesture.

If you gave a damn, you'd make sure this madness would at least decrease greatly, if not end as completely as possible.

Instead, you do nothing.

As it is, there will be another Columbine, another Tuscon, yet another Virginia Tech, one more Aurora, Colorado.

And the reactions and results will be just the same.

The National Rifle Association thanks you.

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